Saturday, 6 May 2017

Positive Kids Motivation – How Important Is It For Our Children?

by: Michael Sanni
Positive Kids Motivation can come in many forms: a high five, pat on the back, a “good job” or any subtle encouragement to do better.  However, anyone can give motivation but many lack their own motivation to make it sincere. Especially, when dealing with children, sincerity is the key to successful kid’s motivation.

Children face false facades in their life every day from the teacher just teaching from the book to receive a paycheck,  the coach who has to be there for required hours or the local community leaders who care to promote their career.

Children realize that these types of ‘motivations’ are for only personal gratification. Real kid’s motivation comes from those who sincerely want to enrich a child’s life without self-gratification. Seeing a child succeed is gratification enough.

Without positive kid’s motivation, children learn to live ordinary lives, but with the right motivation they live extraordinary lives.  And these extraordinary lives become life changers for others because they are sincere in their motives to enrich the lives around them. What life do you live, ordinary or extraordinary?

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