Friday, 5 May 2017

Messing around with the color brown in preschool

by Deborah J. Stewart, M.Ed.
As part of our color review week, the children tried out a little brown finger painting but instead of using brown paint, they used chocolate pudding.

After mixing up a bowl of chocolate pudding, they dipped their fingers in the pudding and began making brown pudding prints on a piece of paper…

To this point I noticed that the children were treating this process much as they would any other finger painting process. The main difference was that rather than being given a shallow container or small dab of finger paint to work with – they had a large bowl of ooey gooey chocolate material to work with.

It didn’t take long for the children to discover that they could reach into the bowl and take out as much pudding as they wanted.

The painting quickly migrated off the paper and onto the table…

The children kept adding more chocolate pudding paint which led to an even greater sensory experience…

As time went on, we had paint all over the table and dripping down the edges of the table onto the floor. So as the children played, their teacher and I began wiping up paint off the floor just to keep it from getting all over the room…

Eventually the pudding paint started thinning out which led to a new type of play. Instead of just playing with the pudding, the children began using their fingers to draw in the pudding paint….

The teacher and I both agreed that the next time we do this type of activity we would just cover the entire table with a table cloth and not worry about trying to make this into some type of “art project” they would take home. By using the entire surface of the table, the children were able to stay focused on their play and  not worry so much about trying to create some sort of picture…

Because the teacher was willing to just watch and see how things progressed naturally, the children ended up with an experience that led to color recognition, sensory play, letter and shape writing, a finger licking here and there, and lots of laughter and fun…

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